LOW WOT Annual Fish Fry

Moose Lodge Main Ave., Baudette, MN, United States

Mark your calendar!! Grab dinner July 3rd at the Women of Today fish fry at the Moose before heading out to the street dance! While supplies last! All funds go […]

LOW Historical Society Annual Meeting

Moose Lodge Main Ave., Baudette, MN, United States

The public is invited to attend Lake of the Woods County Historical Society’s annual meeting on Friday May 19th starting at 5:00 p.m. at the Baudette Moose Lodge.   Since we had a positive turnout with the catered meal and presentation, we decided to do it again. The evening will begin with a social time […]

Moose Lodge St. Patrick’s Day Supper

Moose Lodge Main Ave., Baudette, MN, United States

Instead of our regular Tuesday supper next week we will be having a St. Patrick's Day supper on Friday. We start serving at 5:00. We will have some St. Patrick's Day featured drinks as well!

Ladies of LOW Ugly Sweater Party and Cookie Exchange

Moose Lodge Main Ave., Baudette, MN, United States

We're excited to announce our next Ladies of Lake of the Woods event: Cookie Exchange & Ugly Christmas Sweater Party! Mark your calendars, December 14th at the Moose Lodge starting at 6 pm. Come with two dozen cookies and leave with an assortment of cookies to take home in a provided holiday cookie box! There […]

Benefit for Lisa Borg

Moose Lodge Main Ave., Baudette, MN, United States

Benefit for Lisa Borg at the Moose Lodge. A taco dinner will be served. To fundraise silent auctions, penny raffles, 50/50 draw, bake sale and gun raffle will be happening.   You can make donations directly to the Borg's "Benefit Account" at Border Bank.  

Women’s Bowling Meeting

Moose Lodge Main Ave., Baudette, MN, United States

Women's League bowling meeting for both Monday and Tuesday leagues.

Nicholas Delvecchio Benefit

Moose Lodge Main Ave., Baudette, MN, United States

Nicholas Delvecchio Benefit (https://www.facebook.com/events/387077368440838/) From 5PM- 9PM at the Moose Lodge in Baudette, MN.

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